i-Tell Whistleblowing Service

Digby Wells values its reputation and is committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical standards in the conduct of its business affairs. The actions and conduct of the Company’s staff as well as others acting on the Company’s behalf are key to maintaining these standards.

The Digby Wells Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy applies strictly to all employees, directors, associates, sub-contractors and to any other people or bodies associated with the Digby Wells group of companies, within all regions, areas and functions.

Digby Wells Environmental has partnered with i-Tell, an anonymous, multilingual, global whistleblowing service, helping us to continue to maintain an ethical culture and Make A Difference.

What to Report?

Any form of unethical behavior and any illegal activity such as Fraud, Contravention of Internal Policies, Cyber Attacks, POPI/ GDPR Breaches, Discrimination, Bulling etc.

Any report can be done with the Whistleblowers choice of anonymity being either Total, Partial or Waived. Whistleblowers will receive a pin and reference number.

How to Report?